The unknown was only soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid. 1348 Typical behaviour of an inert, nonpolar, neutral, oxygen containing compound. Solvent is deuterochloroform. §KCP ¢+ G G>" # 132023303334383941424344454648495154 Ratio is 2:3 for aromatic:methoxy protons. Note total from ratio is ODD. # dummy ms # # # # # No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 The compound only contains C, H and maybe O. No residue was left after burning with a sooty flame. # This shows that the unknown is unsaturated or aromatic and not a metal salt. 54 to 56 degrees. # Typical of a low melting solid. Nujol mull ""!! !!"""! ! !! !!!!""!!""""!"""##$$$$%%%&&&&'''''''''''''((()*++,-.///1234;79D@@DKTcz±;tUD:50.,+**,-,**++++*******('('&%$$%&'&%%$$%%%$%%&''(&%$$$$########"""""""""$(0*&#"""A"$'-*'$####$##"##$$%'?5*'%#""""#"""""""""""""""$##""######## ###$#%)/51*'%%&('&$$%'(*,2?Kɭv`\a_OE?:6645CWj[LD<;;;9877:AllSF?RtgwҺrj]SZwiOFCCKD?=ABEb|_F6431147@K}pbZPNRB@?;:98768A=975544334431124462-,-.289=@?DGINS[iy 1419222427294231531320233033343839414243444546484951542850 The unknown is an ether with aromatic character. 211 to 214 degrees. # Typical value. Optically inactive. # The compound is achiral. Not usually measured for a solid. # Mainly for liquids. Not usually measured for a solid. # Mainly for liquids. # # # # # # # dummy cmr # # # # # # # # # # # No precipitate was formed. 2227282950 The compound does not contain aldehyde or ketone functional groups. No positive result. 3344454651 The compound does not contain active hydrogens ie: no OH or NH. # # # # # # # # # No visible reaction was noticed. 14 This test indicates that the compound is not an ester. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # No positive result. 3344454651 The unknown is not an alcohol nor is it a primary or secondary amine. # # # No reaction occurred. # The compound is not unsaturated nor easily oxidizable. # # # No colour change was observed. 232850 The unknown is not a sugar. # # # No reaction was seen. # The compound is not a phenol (or enol) nor is it unsaturated. A reaction occurred; one product was iodomethane. # The compound is a methyl ether. No reaction. # The unknown is not a phenol. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # A solution was formed. # Typical result for an oxygen containing compound. # # # # # # # # # # # # No reaction took place. # The unknown is not a phenol nor is it unsaturated. No reaction occurred. # Absent are groups like esters, acetals, amides, nitriles etc. No positive result was observed. 3344454651 This unknown is not an alcohol or primary or secondary amine. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless solid 010507 0 63659295 Solid with m.p. range of 145-148 degrees. Colourless solid m.p. 141-144 degrees. Red coloured crystals m.p. 45-48 degrees. Yellow solid m.p. 69-71,176-177 or 201-204 degrees. 3 ɪ¯ul|bs meµw_ tu˷k solid ether 4 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene hydroquinone monomethyl ether hydroquinone dimethyl ether 4-cyclohexylphenyl methyl ether